Tom and Diane Dimeff James Hardie Siding Case Study

Tom and Diane Dimeff James Hardie Siding Colorado

Table of Contents


Longmont, Colorado

Type of Siding:


Age of House:

Built in 1987

The Problem:

The Dimeffs were dealing with deteriorating cedar siding, resulting in animal infestations and fire hazard.

Proposed Solution:

Replace their cedar siding with a James Hardie fiber cement product pre-finished with Woodtone to achieve a beautiful cedar-like finish, hardened to fire dangers and resistant to wear-and-tear and animal infestations.


The Dimeffs were not only satisfied with the finished result, they truly love their home for the first time in 21 years and encourage their neighbors and friends to install similar fire-resistant products.

The Initial Call:

Tom and Diane Dimeff bought their home 21 years ago, and while pleased with the location, it didn’t look like their dream home. Built in 1987, the entire house was finished in cedar plank siding, which after years of exposure to the harsh Colorado climate, had deteriorated, leading it susceptible to animal infestation and additional damage. The Dimeffs were having trouble keeping raccoons, squirrels, and other small animals out of their home due to broken and eroded siding. They contacted Bellwether to make repairs to their siding.

The Consultation:

Stephen Chismarich, Bellwether Director of Sales, made the initial visit during a heavy snow storm. Even in the heavy weather, it was clear to see that the damage to the cedar siding was extensive and that the Dimeff’s diligent attempts at repairs were not enough to curtail the root of the problem.

Additionally, Stephen identified that the home was located in a high fire zone, and the cedar siding made it especially susceptible to fire dangers.

The Dimeffs wanted to preserve the rustic beauty of cedar siding, but agreed that the true cedar product was not working for their design needs or as protection for their home. Stephen was able to showcase products that could achieve both goals, and offered options until the Dimeffs found something that matched their tastes.

The Work:

Before beginning work on the property, the Bellwether team visited the Dimeffs and stripped away some of the old siding to demonstrate why the whole house needed to be resided. It was clear to the Dimeffs that they needed to replace the siding and that they needed to select a product that was better suited to their mountain home’s location.

Stephen and the Bellwether team set product, timeline, and cost expectations ahead of time so that the Dimeffs knew exactly what they were purchasing and what the end result would be. They decided on a James Hardie substrate siding, pre-finished with Woodtone in a variegated pattern so it presented just like beautiful, rustic cedar siding. The siding was expertly cut and installed to seamlessly integrate with existing roof and windows, accomplishing the two-fold goal of a beautifully designed home, crafted to last the test of time and the Colorado elements.

The Results:

The Dimeffs were beyond pleased with the end result—their home was no longer just a home they liked, it was a home they loved and were happy to drive up to every day. They were so pleased with Bellwether’s design process, the tailored recommendations, and the high-quality craftsmanship that they now recommend Bellwether to all of their neighbors and friends—especially the James Hardie fiber cement siding so that all of the surrounding homes are safeguarded against fire.

Contact Bellwether today to receive a hassle-free quote for your next exterior remodeling project.

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