What Are the Signs You Need to Replace Your Siding?

Signs You Need to Replace Your Siding Denver

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Part of home maintenance will require eventually replacing your Colorado home siding. At Bellwether, we are siding replacement experts. Our team can assist in making the best home siding decision for your particular environment, design needs, and budgetary concerns.

Why would I need to replace siding?

Though part of your exterior design, your home’s siding has a lot to do with protecting the inside of your home as well. Siding serves as the exterior shell of your home, keeping out the unpredictable Colorado elements and maintaining a comfortable, dry climate inside of your home. Siding also directly impacts the aesthetic appeal of your home, and fresh, high-quality siding can instantly upgrade your home’s style.

What are signs I need to replace my home siding?

There are many telltale signs that it is time to replace your home siding. Sometimes, it is obvious damage that needs to be repaired immediately, sometimes hints that the need for replacement is coming. And home siding can always be replaced as a design choice as well.

1. Damaged Siding

The most obvious sign that it is time to replace your siding is apparent damage outside your home. This might include splintering, crumbling, peeling, or broken pieces of siding. If your home has visible damage to the siding, you should consider replacing your siding immediately.

2. Bubbles or blisters

Warping, while less obvious than broken pieces, is a sign that siding replacing is imminent. If you have bubbles or blisters in your siding, that is an indication of weather-related damage.

3. Extreme fading or excessive maintenance

While siding will fade under the Colorado sun, extreme fading could point to low-quality materials that will deteriorate in the harsh elements. Additionally, if your siding requires frequent cleaning and repairs, it is worth considering a new, higher-quality siding material.

4. Mildew, fungus, rot

Though the Colorado climate is dry, there is still potential for mildew, fungus, mold and rot. If it is time to replace your aging siding, it is more susceptible to water-related issues also, exposing seals and protective measures that are less effective after time.

5. Pest destruction

Pest-related damage can be an issue in Colorado, especially in mountain homes. Pest destruction not only destroys your home’s exterior, it invites these animals and insects into your home, which could lead to interior discomfort and damage. Pest destruction could include insect infestations that destroy the infrastructure of your home or larger animals damaging your home exterior, such as woodpeckers and rodents. Replacing your siding can repair the exterior look of your home and protect your home inside from further invasion.

6. Interior damage or climate control issues

Obvious signs of interior damage, from water or other elements, could actually point to home exterior issues. If you have water damage on your interior walls or moisture around your window frames, it is important to consider replacing your siding. There may also be issues with interior climate control, which can be fixed with siding replacement that makes your home more energy efficient.

7. Fire hazard concerns

In Colorado, wildfire dangers are a real concern. Even if your home siding has no apparent damage, you may consider replacing your home siding with a more fire resistant product, such as James Hardie fiber cement siding, to protect your home against the threat of fire.

Why should Bellwether replace my siding?

Bellwether has decades of experience in home exterior construction, including siding installation for Colorado climates. We use high-quality siding materials and the industry’s best practices to ensure that all of our customers are outfitted with beautiful home siding that remains beautiful throughout years of Colorado snow, ice, wind, and baking sun.

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Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima. Eodem modo typi, qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari, fiant sollemnes in futurum.

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