Home Insurance Discount with James Hardie Siding

insurance discount with james hardie

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At Bellwether, we love when beauty and function work hand-in-hand. It’s why we choose resilient, versatile, high-quality products, like James Hardie fiber cement siding. Not only does this gorgeous product protect your home from our extreme weather elements, such as high winds, baking sun, ice, and snow, but choosing it might also earn you a home insurance discount. Homes clad in James Hardie fiber cement siding are even safeguarded from the risk of wildfire, showcasing the benefits of choosing a durable siding product.

These are the benefits of choosing a durable siding product like fiber cement siding, but the truth is, James Hardie also supplies the most beautiful products on the market. Fiber cement siding will never fade, crack, or peel, so it remains fresh and in-tact for a lifetime. And James Hardie also issues a warranty on their Color Technology, which promises that, not only does the siding material hold up, so does its rich color.

There are so many great reasons to choose James Hardie fiber cement siding for your home. The truth is, the benefits don’t end with just durability and aesthetic appeal; they extend to potential savings on home insurance, making it an even more attractive option for homeowners.

Home Insurance Discount with James Hardie Siding: A Closer Look

Because fiber cement siding is resilient and fire-resistant, it is very appealing to insurance companies insuring homes in Colorado. It’s highly likely that your homeowners insurance will offer a discount on your James Hardie fiber cement siding installation.

We recommend calling your insurance company before your siding replacement to verify your potential insurance discount. But even if you’ve already installed fiber cement siding with your home, you should share this with your insurance company, because there are many reasons for them to discount you after the work is completed.

There are many reasons a home insurance company many discount homes with James Hardie fiber cement siding.

James Hardie fiber cement siding is non-combustible.

As we mentioned, James Hardie fiber cement siding is fire resistant. With a Grade-A fire rating, it is resistant to spark and flame, protecting your home in the event of a wildfire, which is a pretty common risk factor in the state of Colorado. In fact, it is often an obstacle in acquiring homeowners insurance, especially for Colorado homes in mountain areas; so there may be a homeowners insurance discount for homeowners who choose to harden their homes for wildfires with fiber cement siding.

Fiber cement siding is a composite material of cement, cellulose, and silica, which is naturally resistant to fire. With all of these materials pressed firmly into siding planks, the siding becomes non-combustible, even in direct spark and flame.

Additionally, fiber cement siding will not warp or melt under fire. In the event of a wildfire, a home with James Hardie fiber cement siding is completely protected from the impending flames—a major plus for insurance companies insuring homes in wildfire areas.

James Hardie fiber cement siding is impact resistant.

Colorado is prone to other extreme weather hazards beyond wildfire. Recent years have showered us with intense hail storms which really leave their mark on most home siding. However, fiber cement siding is impact resistant, meaning that even under massive hailstones, your home exterior is protected from damage.

Its impact-resistance feature is also useful in high winds, common to Colorado’s foothills and more mountainous areas. Insurance companies will be pleased to insure and discount homes with James Hardie fiber cement siding, which cannot be damaged by falling tree branches or airborne debris in a wind storm.

James Hardie fiber cement siding holds up in the Colorado environment.

Not only is James Hardie fiber cement siding built to withstand all of Colorado’s natural climate factors, it is resilient in the general environment as well. Living in a high desert with mountains and forests nearby, many Colorado homes are in the path of all many of wildlife. Because of the tough durable nature of fiber cement siding boards, James Hardie fiber cement siding prevents wildlife invasion through your home exterior.

And because fiber cement siding cannot crack or split, there are not minute access points for small critters or pests, nor room for moisture infiltration that causes rot and mold.

With fiber cement siding, homeowners can enjoy the beauty of nature without worrying about nature trying to break its way in. Insurance companies see the value in a home protected from all environmental hazards, and may offer a discount for this reason.

James Hardie fiber cement siding is backed by the best warranties available.

Unlike other siding products, James Hardie fiber cement siding is backed by the most generous warranties on the market. Insurance companies will see the long-term protection available under a 30-year product warranty and a 15-year finish warranty, understanding that they will not have to cover repairs or other problems covered by siding damage.

At Bellwether, we believe in the value of a promise like this, and we apply it to our workmanship. As Elite Preferred James Hardie contractors, our work must achieve the highest industry standard. We guarantee 100% customer satisfaction on every job and offer our own lifetime warranty on our installation.

With these guarantees and protective benefits, James Hardie fiber cement siding is the ideal protective shell to safeguard your home and preserve its beauty. Insurance companies can insure a James Hardie home with confidence—so call to see if your insurance provider will offer a discount on your James Hardie fiber cement siding installation.

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Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima. Eodem modo typi, qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari, fiant sollemnes in futurum.

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