Much has been revealed about the dangers of asbestos siding in the last decade. Though it was commonly used as a building material for hundreds of years, research now links it to serious health risks. These hazards make it too dangerous a material to live with, and it is recommended that homeowners with asbestos products in their homes remediate and replace with safer materials as soon as possible.
In the Denver-metro area, it is common to find asbestos in older homes being renovated. Homeowners should renovate with caution and ensure that their asbestos is identified and removed by a professional who can do so in a safe manner. This includes home exterior products, like siding, which historically combined cement and asbestos to reinforce the home siding. There are now safer hardened siding products available, such as fiber cement siding that will protect your home exterior and your family’s health.
The Facts About Asbestos
Asbestos is a naturally-occurring mineral that has been used in building projects for many centuries. The fibers were used in many different industries and applications: it was a popular building material and was also used in clothing as the fibers are durable and resistant to fire and heat.
It was not until the middle of the 20th century that the dangers of asbestos fibers became widely known. By the end of the century, it was banned in some countries; it is still not banned in the U.S., though its use is limited. The World Health Organization recognizes asbestos as a health risk linked to mesothelioma, and many lawsuits have been filed due to asbestos-related illness.
In of itself, asbestos is not dangerous when left alone and untouched. However, if it becomes damaged or exposed and the fibers become airborne, it becomes a serious health hazard. Asbestos exposure, especially over an extended period of time, has been shown to cause mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer, among other conditions. Asbestos is most dangerous when the fibers are airborne and are inhaled. This could happen during a fire, construction or home project, or if the siding becomes damaged in extreme weather. Over time, the fibers of asbestos siding may also become brittle, crumble, and leak into the air. So while untouched asbestos isn’t immediately dangerous, if your home has asbestos siding, it is advisable to remove material containing asbestos before that can happen.
If you are concerned about asbestos exposure, please visit for more information.
What to Do About Asbestos Siding
Asbestos is found in many homes in the U.S., especially if they were built before 1980. The fibers were used in insulation, popcorn ceilings, vinyl floor tiles, drywall, cement, paint, plumbing fixtures, and siding, among other things. Because of the prevelance of asbestos and the known health risks, there are federal safety regulations for the removal and disposal of materials that contain asbestos.
Most importantly, never try to remove asbestos materials yourself. The exposure risk is very high when asbestos is removed as the fibers get disturbed and become airborne. If you think you have asbestos siding or other asbestos materials in your home, never remove those suspicious materials yourself. Do not sweep, vacuum or dust up possible asbestos debris.
Instead, reach out to an asbestos abatement company to identify the material and create a proposal for proper removal. Professional remediation companies adhere to the federal guidelines and can ensure your home is cleared of asbestos in a complete and safe manner. With the proper precautions, this includes removing asbestos siding on your home exterior, protecting your family, neighbors, and surrounding nature.
Bellwether and Asbestos Removal
We do not remediate or remove asbestos siding, but highly recommend Asbestos Abatement. We have a longstanding and wonderful relationship with this local Colorado company and can attest to their skill, care, and professionalism in asbestos removal. Asbestos Abatement can evaluate your home exterior for asbestos and they offer abatement and their state-licensed technicians have years’ worth of experience at safely removing this hazardous material.
With your asbestos siding removed, consider your siding replacement material. Fiber cement siding is a healthy, safer alternative to asbestos as it is a cement-hardened material that is also resistant to fire, among other environmental challenges in the Colorado climate. Fiber cement siding is durable and virtually maintenance-free. And James Hardie fiber cement siding products are backed by a 30-year product and 15-year finish warranty. Bellwether is a James Hardie Elite Preferred company, a distinction we are proud of. We work with the highest-quality materials and guarantee our own workmanship for the life of your fiber cement siding from James Hardie.