What Does a Professional Siding Installation (Construction) Process Look Like?

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When taking on the major investment of time and money required to replace your siding, you want to understand what you’re signing up for. Bellwether believes in total transparency: with our products, our prices, our standards, and even our processes. We want you to feel like you have full understanding of how your siding replacement will look in real time from day-to-day. That’s why your project guide will make sure you understand each of these steps in your professional siding installation process.

There are a few pre-construction steps in a siding replacement.

Your project manager’s notes will go to the management team after your pre-construction meeting so that we can order all of the necessary materials. This part of the process allows us to begin setting timelines based on siding material delivery and schedule openings. 

Often this phase in the process can feel “quiet,” after the excitement of design plans and walkthroughs, waiting for the work to begin. A team member will reach out during this process with regular updates as it is “behind the scenes work.” We do our best to keep you up-to-date on our suppliers and our availability so that you aren’t in the dark during this part of the siding replacement process.

We begin work after siding materials are delivered, so we send out regular updates on your order and anticipated siding replacement start date.

We’ll do a little prep work around your house before installation day, and we make sure to keep you updated on who is coming by and why. In order to best prepare for the work ahead, a project guide will assess your property for crew parking and staging, as well as the best locations for a dumpster and siding materials delivery. All of this needs to be completed before the installation day begins, but these are good opportunities to check-in on what comes next.

Before we dig into your home exterior renovation, we complete one last walkthrough on-site.

Along with prepping the property, we want to confirm that we are on the same page before work begins. We’ll schedule a walkthrough before any siding replacement actually begins, checking off all of the agreed upon designs and items. Your project guide will bring along your crew leader so that you can establish a rapport with them. At this time, we’ll also create a text thread including you, the crew leader, the project guide, and a production director so that everyone can stay in communication and you never feel like you can’t get in touch with someone for questions or concerns.

Your project manager will check-in with you at various points in the siding replacement so that you understand what work has been completed each day and what comes next.

At installation day one, we start with demo. Your project guide will prepare you for this day, as it tends to be the most challenging for the homeowner. We recommend that you move precious items from the walls (either on or near) and the demolition process can rattle the home’s interior a bit. It will also be noisy and messy. 

The good news is, our professional siding installation crews always clean up at the end of every work day, and after demo day, the process becomes much quieter.

Your crew leader will be available throughout the process, and we love for you to bring up questions or concerns each step of the way. It is easier to catch something in progress that to address problems at the end of the home renovation process.

A final walkthrough guarantees you are 100% satisfied with your home exterior renovation.

Leading up to the final walkthrough, we will enter a punch list phase, identifying blue tape items and addressing anything that feels off or unexpected. This is all in preparation for your final walkthrough, where we want you to bee 100% satisfied. No matter what, your crew stays until the end to finish the job in a manner that meets all of your expectations.

President & Co-Founder