The Bellwether Experience

Bellwether Experience

Siding replacement and home exterior renovation can be a big undertaking, and it’s hard to know what to expect. At Bellwether, we want you to feel comfortable working with us, from beginning to end, so we like to transparently share our consultation and installation process. Our company is built on old-fashioned values, like integrity and honesty. This belief system is always in the foreground of our interactions, instead of high-pressure sales tactics. We like to work with homeowners to educate about home exterior products, protection, and maintenance so that we can be partners in creating the home of your dreams. Whether making repairs to your exiting home exterior or completing a siding replacement, the Bellwether experience is one of consistent communication and high-quality work.

Project Consultation

A most important first step: we need to understand the vision and the work. After you contact Bellwether, a team member will visit your home for inspection. We can assess if your home requires siding repair or full siding replacement, and then discuss your home exterior goals.

In this initial meeting, you should share all of your ideas! We want to hear about your needs and your dreams and work through solutions to achieve all of them. We can discuss budget, the advantages and disadvantages of certain siding types, design elements, and additional home exterior needs such as doors, windows, and trim.

This is a no-commitment phase, so you should communicate your full vision for your home, and our team members will work through options to see your dreams come true.

Project Presentation

After our representative visits your home for a consultation, they will take away their notes and measurements to prepare a presentation. This presentation will be a second meeting, in-person or via video call, and will review the processes and costs for the work discussed. Our team member will cover options to find the perfect balance between your dream design and budget and will also discuss construction processes and potential timelines. This will include contingencies and allows space for any adjustments you want to make.

Project Approval

When you feel ready, it’s time to approval the proposal. This finalizes the contract process and sets the installation process in motion. There is a final review of the project steps and signatures to give the green light to begin.

Pre-Construction Meeting

Because communication is our top priority, at this meeting, you’ll meet your project manager. Our sales team member will “pass the torch” and allow the project manager to cover dates and timelines, as well as the order of operation. Because the project manager will manage the on-site processes, we strive to establish rapport and make sure you feel comfortable. Ask your project manager any specific questions, let them know about your concerns, or quirks about the property that might be helpful. We will also establish drop-off and delivery processes to prepare for installation day. We use the pre-construction meeting to cover every detail so that the construction and installation present no surprises.

Installation and Project-in-Progress

On installation day, everything springs into action. Crews show up on time and get to work in the order that was outlined during the pre-construction meeting. Even when the work begins, you still have full communication access to your other team members, and we create a group text thread so that everyone understands what is happening each day, from the schedule to weather concerns or any other issues that may arise.

Project Completion

Your siding installation isn’t done until you say it is! As our crews wrap up work, we schedule another walk-through meeting so you can sign-off on the job. Our crews will carefully clear away debris and use magnetic rakes to clean up nails and scraps to the best of our ability. We never leave a job site until our customers are 100% satisfied with the installation and condition of the property.

Love Your Home

It all comes back to that initial meeting, our initial goal: to help you create your dream home. When the work is over and we’ve cleared out, all that’s left to do is for you to love your new home.

The Difference of the the Bellwether Experience

Our commitment to this dedicated and detailed process of evaluation, planning, communication, and high-quality work makes us a trusted home exterior partner throughout Colorado. We work with our customers to navigate the overwhelming and sometimes complicated processes of home exterior construction to make it an excited and educational process with dream results.

And our services extend beyond siding repair and replacement. Because we are in the business of helping customers design their dream homes, we include window and door replacement, insulation installation, painting and design services—everything you need for a cohesive, complete home exterior that looks beautiful and keeps your family warm and protected.

This isn’t just our goal: it is our guarantee. Each customer receives our Lifetime Workmanship Warranty, ensuring satisfaction, a product that lasts, and most importantly, peace of mind.

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President & Co-Founder